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I've received an interesting question which I want to share. Someone wanted to know if it is possible to add the Ulti Counter module to his offline page. This way he can show a countdown until his new site gets online. Yes, this is possible and the Joomla Framework API makes it quit easy.

If you are working on your site and you want to put your site offline for a while, then you will have noticed you get the default Joomla offline page. This is a white page which contains the Joomla logo, your offline message and a login form. Probably this is not what you would like. Not because you don't like the Joomla logo, but this may confuse the visitors of your site. You want your visitors to see clearly that they are on the right place and should come back later. If they see a logo they don't know, they might think the site is gone. So you want to have your own page with your own logo and probably you want to get rid of the login form as well. In short, you would like to have a customized offline page for your site. Well, here's the way to do this.

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