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As you might know, the most popular of our Joomla extensions is  the Template Chooser. For the people who don't know this Joomla module: with this module your visitors can change the template in the front-end.  A few months ago I've noticed there was a new extension in the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) called Template Changer. This new extension did exactly the same what our Template Chooser was already doing for quit some time. In an earlier post, I've mentioned already that I think this is one of the major problems of the JED: too many extensions are doing the same thing, which makes it hard for the users to find the right extension. I verified this new module wasn't just a copy of our module, but this wasn't the case. The code was quit different. But I was really not amused with this. The problem I have with these kind of modules is that they are not created for the benefit of the users, as they only copy functionality that already exists. The authors of these kind of Joomla extensions are creating this to get traffic to their site.

JED goes GPL

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In my previous post, I mentioned a few of the most important changes in the new JED. One change has caused quit some animosity amoung the extension developers: in the near future, all extensions in the Joomla Extension Directory (JED) have to be under a GPL licence. Quit some extension developers are not amused with this as you can see in this discussion. Are they right to be mad about this decision?

Ulti CounterThe next version of Ulti Counter has been released: version 1.0.8. This new version of our Joomla Extension contains some small updates thanks to suggestions of the users:

Some people say all Joomla sites look alike. I've selected 10 great looking Joomla sites to prove this statement is not true. For some of these sites, you would never guess it was made with Joomla.

Tata chooses Joomla

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NanoMore and more large companies and organisations choose Joomla for their website. What better proof do you need that Joomla is the best CMS on the planet?

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